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Monday, April 4, 2011

KEAM 2011 Admit Card |KEAM 2011 Admit Card Application status Online

Today the Cee has announced the download of KEAM 2011 Admit Card from their official website for the Kerala Entrance 2011. The full KEAM is the biggest competitive exams well known as Engineering, Medical and Architecture entrance examination. All the candidates want to take admission to the world class top colleagues of the Kerala State.
Visit the link given below and enter your Application number and date of Birth in the given field and download the admit card please remember to follow all of the rules given on the main screen by the CEE .

AIEEE 2011 Physics Syllabus|AIEEE 2011 Syllabus | AIEEE 2011 Pattern


UNIT 1 : PHYSICS AND MEASUREMENT : Physics, technology and society, S I units, Fundamental and derived units.

Least count, accuracy and precision of measuring instruments, Errors in measurement, Significant figures. Dimensions of Physical quantities, dimensional analysis and its applications.

UNIT 2 : KINEMATICS : Frame of reference. Motion in a straight line: Position – time graph, speed and velocity.Uniform and non – uniform motion, average speed and instantaneous velocity Uniformly accelerated motion, velocity – time, position – time graphs, relations for uniformly accelerated motion. Scalars and Vectors, Vector addition and Subtraction, Zero Vector, Scalar and Vector products, Unit Vector, Resolution of a Vector. Relative Velocity, Motion in a plane, Projectile Motion, Uniform Circular Motion.

UNIT 3 : LAWS OF MOTION : Force and Inertia, Newton’s First Law of motion; Momentum, Newton’s Second Law of motion; Impulse; Newton’s Third Law of motion. Law of conservation of linear momentum and its applications, Equilibrium of concurrent forces. Static and Kinetic friction, laws of friction, rolling friction. Dynamics of uniform circular motion: Centripetal force and its applications.

UNIT 4 : WORK, ENERGY AND POWER : Work done by a constant force and a variable force; kinetic and potential energies, work – energy theorem, power. Potential energy of a spring, conservation of mechanical energy, conservative and non – conservative forces; Elastic and inelastic collisions in one and two dimensions.

UNIT 5 : ROTATIONAL MOTION : Centre of mass of a two – particle system, Centre of mass of a rigid body; Basic concepts of rotational motion; moment of a force, torque, angular momentum, conservation of angular momentum and its applications; moment of inertia, radius of gyration. Values of moments of inertia for simple geometrical objects, parallel and perpendicular axes theorems and their applications. Rigid body rotation, equations of rotational motion.

UNIT 6 : GRAVITATION : The universal law of gravitation. Acceleration due to gravity and its variation with altitude and depth. Kepler’s laws of planetary motion. Gravitational potential energy; gravitational potential. Escape velocity. Orbital velocity of a satellite. Geo – stationary satellites.

UNIT 7 : PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS : Elastic behaviour, Stress – strain relationship, Hooke’s Law, Young’s modulus, bulk modulus, modulus of rigidity. Pressure due to a fluid column; Pascal’s law and its applications. Viscosity, Stokes’ law, terminal velocity, streamline and turbulent flow, Reynolds number. Bernoulli’s principle and its applications. Surface energy and surface tension, angle of contact, application of surface tension – drops, bubbles and capillary rise. Heat, temperature, thermal expansion; specific heat capacity, calorimetry; change of state, latent heat. Heat transfer – conduction, convection and radiation, Newton’s law of cooling.

UNIT 8 : THERMODYNAMICS : Thermal equilibrium, zeroth law of thermodynamics, concept of temperature. Heat, work and internal energy. First law of thermodynamics. Second law of thermodynamics : reversible and irreversible processes. Carnot engine and its efficiency.

UNIT 9 : KINETIC THEORY OF GASES : Equation of state of a perfect gas, work done on compressing a gas. Kinetic theory of gases – assumptions, concept of pressure. Kinetic energy and temperature: rms speed of gas molecules; Degrees of freedom, Law of equipartition of energy, applications to specific heat capacities of gases; Mean free path, Avogadro’s number.

UNIT 10 : OSCILLATIONS AND WAVES : Periodic motion – period, frequency, displacement as a function of time. Periodic functions. Simple harmonic motion (S.H.M.) and its equation; phase; oscillations of a spring – restoring force and force constant; energy in S.H.M. – kinetic and potential energies; Simple pendulum – derivation of expression for its time period; Free, forced and damped oscillations, resonance.

Wave motion. Longitudinal and transverse waves, speed of a wave. Displacement relation for a progressive wave. Principle of superposition of waves, reflection of waves, Standing waves in strings and organ pipes, fundamental mode and harmonics, Beats, Doppler effect in sound

UNIT 11 : ELECTROSTATICS : Electric Charges : Conservation of charge, Coulomb’s law – forces between two point charges, forces between multiple charges; superposition principle and continuous charge distribution. Electric field: Electric field due to a point charge, Electric field lines, Electric dipole, Electric field due to a dipole, Torque on a dipole in a uniform electric field.

Electric flux, Gauss’s law and its applications to find field due to infinitely long uniformly charged straight wire, uniformly charged infinite plane sheet and uniformly charged thin spherical shell. Electric potential and its calculation for a point charge, electric dipole and system of charges; Equipotential surfaces, Electrical potential energy of a system of two point charges in an electrostatic field.

Conductors and insulators, Dielectrics and electric polarization, capacitor, combination of capacitors in series and in parallel, capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with and without di electric medium between the plates, Energy stored in a capacitor.

AIEEE 2011 Chemistry Syllabus -Part 2|AIEEE 2011 Syllabus | AIEEE 2011 Pattern

UNIT 15 : P – BLOCK ELEMENTS : Group – 13 to Group 18 Elements
General Introduction : Electronic configuration and general trends in physical and chemical properties of elements across the periods and down the groups; unique behaviour of the first element in each group.

Groupwise study of the p – block elements Group – 13 : Preparation, properties and uses of boron and aluminium; Structure, properties and uses of borax, boric acid, diborane, boron trifluoride, aluminium chloride and alums.

Group – 14 : Tendency for catenation; Structure, properties and uses of allotropes and oxides of carbon, silicon tetrachloride, silicates, zeolites and silicones.

Group – 15 : Properties and uses of nitrogen and phosphorus; Allotrophic forms of phosphorus; Preparation, properties, structure and uses of ammonia, nitric acid, phosphine and phosphorus halides, (PCl3, PCl5); Structures of oxides and oxoacids of nitrogen and phosphorus.

Group – 16 : Preparation, properties, structures and uses of dioxygen and ozone; Allotropic forms of sulphur; Preparation, properties, structures and uses of sulphur dioxide, sulphuric acid (including its industrial preparation); Structures of oxoacids of sulphur.

Group – 17 : Preparation, properties and uses of chlorine and hydrochloric acid; Trends in the acidic nature of hydrogen halides; Structures of Interhalogen compounds and oxides and oxoacids of halogens.

Group – 18 : Occurrence and uses of noble gases; Structures of fluorides and oxides of xenon.

UNIT 16 : d – and f – BLOCK ELEMENTS : Transition Elements General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence and characteristics, general trends in properties of the first row transition elements – physical properties, ionization enthalpy, oxidation states, atomic radii, colour, catalytic behaviour, magnetic properties, complex formation, interstitial compounds, alloy formation; Preparation, properties and uses of K2Cr2O7 and KMnO4.

Inner Transition Elements Lanthanoids – Electronic configuration, oxidation states, chemical reactivity and lanthanoid contraction. Actinoids – Electronic configuration and oxidation states.

UNIT 17 : CO – ORDINATION COMPOUNDS : Introduction to co-ordination compounds, Werner’s theory; ligands, co – ordination number, denticity, chelation; IUPAC nomenclature of mononuclear co – ordination compounds, isomerism; Bonding – Valence bond approach and basic ideas of Crystal field theory, colour and magnetic properties; Importance of co-ordination compounds (in qualitative analysis, extraction of metals and in biological systems).

UNIT 18 : ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY : Environmental pollution – Atmospheric, water and soil. Atmospheric pollution – Tropospheric and stratospheric Tropospheric pollutants – Gaseous pollutants: Oxides of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur, hydrocarbons; their sources, harmful effects and prevention; Green house effect and Global warming; Acid rain; Particulate pollutants: Smoke, dust, smog, fumes, mist; their sources, harmful effects and prevention.

Stratospheric Pollution- Formation and breakdown of ozone, depletion of ozone layer – its mechanism and effects. Water Pollution – Major pollutants such as, pathogens, organic wastes and chemical pollutants; their harmful effects and prevention.

Soil Pollution – Major pollutants such as: Pesticides (insecticides, herbicides and fungicides), their harmful effects and prevention. Strategies to control environmental pollution.
Section-C: Organic Chemistry

UNIT 19 : Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds: Purification – Crystallization, sublimation, distillation, differential extraction and chromatography – principles and their applications.

Qualitative analysis – Detection of nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus and halogens. Quantitative analysis (basic principles only) – Estimation of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, halogens, sulphur, phosphorus. Calculations of empirical formulae and molecular formulae; Numerical problems in organic quantitative analysis.

UNIT 20 : SOME BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY : Tetravalency of carbon; Shapes of simple molecules – hybridization (s and p); Classification of organic compounds based on functional groups : – C = C – , – C ? C – and those containing halogens, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur; Homologous series; Isomerism – structural and stereoisomerism. Nomenclature (Trivial and IUPAC) Covalent bond fission – Homolytic and heterolytic : free radicals, carbocations and carbanions; stability of carbocations and free radicals, electrophiles and nucleophiles.

Electronic displacement in a covalent bond – Inductive effect, electromeric effect, resonance and hyperconjugation. Common types of organic reactions – Substitution, addition, elimination and rearrangement.

UNIT 21 : Hydrocarbons : Classification, isomerism, IUPAC nomenclature, general methods of preparation, properties and reactions. Alkanes – Conformations : Sawhorse and Newman projections (of ethane); Mechanism of halogenation of alkanes.

Alkenes – Geometrical isomerism; Mechanism of electrophilic addition: addition of hydrogen, halogens, water, hydrogen halides (Markownikoff’s and peroxide effect); Ozonolysis, oxidation, and polymerization. Alkynes – Acidic character; Addition of hydrogen, halogens, water and hydrogen halides; Polymerization.

Aromatic hydrocarbons – Nomenclature, benzene – structure and aromaticity; Mechanism of electrophilic substitution: halogenation, nitration, Friedel – Craft’s alkylation and acylation, directive influence of functional group in mono – substituted benzene.

UNIT 22 : Organic Compounds Containing Halogens : General methods of preparation, properties and reactions; Nature of C – X bond; Mechanisms of substitution reactions. Uses; Environmental effects of chloroform, iodoform, freons and DDT.

UNIT 23 : Organic compounds containing Oxygen : General methods of preparation, properties, reactions and uses. ALCOHOLS, PHENOLS AND ETHERS Alcohols : Identification of primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols; mechanism of dehydration. Phenols : Acidic nature, electrophilic substitution reactions: halogenation, nitration and sulphonation, Reimer – Tiemann reaction.

Ethers : Structure. Aldehyde and Ketones: Nature of carbonyl group; Nucleophilic addition to >C=O group, relative reactivities of aldehydes and ketones; Important reactions such as – Nucleophilic addition reactions (addition of HCN, NH3 and its derivatives), Grignard reagent; oxidation; reduction (Wolff Kishner and Clemmensen); acidity of ? – hydrogen, aldol condensation, Cannizzaro reaction, Haloform reaction; Chemical tests to distinguish between aldehydes and Ketones. CARBOXYLIC ACIDS Acidic strength and factors affecting it.

UNIT 24 : Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen : General methods of preparation, properties, reactions and uses. Amines : Nomenclature, classification, structure, basic character and identification of primary, secondary and tertiary amines and their basic character. Diazonium Salts: Importance in synthetic organic chemistry.

UNIT 25 : Polymers: General introduction and classification of polymers, general methods of polymerization – addition and condensation, copolymerization; Natural and synthetic rubber and vulcanization; some important polymers with emphasis on their monomers and uses – polythene, nylon, polyester and bakelite.

UNIT 26 : Bio Molecules : General introduction and importance of biomolecules. CARBOHYDRATES – Classification : aldoses and ketoses; monosaccharides (glucose and fructose), constituent monosaccharides of oligosacchorides (sucrose, lactose, maltose) and polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, glycogen).

PROTEINS – Elementary Idea of ? – amino acids, peptide bond, polypeptides; Proteins: primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure (qualitative idea only), denaturation of proteins, enzymes.
Engineering Entrance Exam Question Bank CD
VITAMINS – Classification and functions. NUCLEIC ACIDS – Chemical constitution of DNA and RNA. Biological functions of nucleic acids.

UNIT 27 : Chemistry in everyday life : Chemicals in medicines – Analgesics, tranquilizers, antiseptics, disinfectants, antimicrobials, antifertility drugs, antibiotics, antacids, antihistamins – their meaning and common examples.

Chemicals in food – Preservatives, artificial sweetening agents – common examples. Cleansing agents – Soaps and detergents, cleansing action.

UNIT 28 : principles related to practical Chemistry :

Detection of extra elements (N, S, halogens) in organic compounds; Detection of the following functional groups: hydroxyl (alcoholic and phenolic), carbonyl (aldehyde and ketone), carboxyl and amino groups in organic compounds.

Chemistry involved in the preparation of the following : Inorganic compounds : Mohr’s salt, potash alum. Organic compounds : Acetanilide, p – nitroacetanilide, aniline yellow, iodoform.

Chemistry involved in the titrimetric excercises – Acids bases and the use of indicators, oxalic – acid vs KMnO4, Mohr’s salt vs KMnO4.

Chemical principles involved in the qualitative salt analysis: Cations – Pb2+ , Cu2+, AI3+, Fe3+, Zn2+, Ni2+, Ca2+, Ba2+, Mg2+, NH4+. Anions – CO32-, S2-, SO42-, NO2-, NO3-, CI-, Br, I. (Insoluble salts excluded).

Chemical principles involved in the following experiments :

   1. Enthalpy of solution of CuSO4
   2. Enthalpy of neutralization of strong acid and strong base.
   3. Preparation of lyophilic and lyophobic sols.
   4. Kinetic study of reaction of iodide ion with hydrogen peroxide at room temperature.

AIEEE 2011 Chemistry Syllabus |AIEEE 2011 Syllabus | AIEEE 2011 Pattern


UNIT 1 : Some Basic concepts in Chemistry : Matter and its nature, Dalton’s atomic theory; Concept of atom, molecule, element and compound; Physical quantities and their measurements in Chemistry, precision and accuracy, significant figures, S.I. Units, dimensional analysis; Laws of chemical combination; Atomic and molecular masses, mole concept, molar mass, percentage composition, empirical and molecular formulae; Chemical equations and stoichiometry.

UNIT 2 : States of Matter : Classification of matter into solid, liquid and gaseous states.

Gaseous State : Measurable properties of gases; Gas laws – Boyle’s law, Charle’s law, Graham’s law of diffusion, Avogadro’s law,Dalton’s law of partial pressure; Concept of Absolute scale of temperature; Ideal gas equation, Kinetic theory of gases (only postulates); Concept of average, root mean square and most probable velocities; Real gases, deviation from Ideal behaviour, compressibility factor, van der Waals equation, liquefaction of gases, critical constants.

Liquid State : Properties of liquids – vapour pressure, viscosity and surface tension and effect of temperature on them (qualitative treatment only).

Solid State : Classification of solids: molecular, ionic, covalent and metallic solids, amorphous and crystalline solids (elementary idea); Bragg’s Law and its applications; Unit cell and lattices, packing in solids (fcc, bcc and hcp lattices), voids, calculations involving unit cell parameters, imperfection in solids; Electrical, magnetic and dielectric properties.

UNIT 3 : Atomic Structure : Discovery of sub – atomic particles (electron, proton and neutron); Thomson and Rutherford atomic models and their limitations; Nature of electromagnetic radiation, photoelectric effect; Spectrum of hydrogen atom, Bohr model of hydrogen atom – its postulates, derivation of the relations for energy of the electron and radii of the different orbits, limitations of Bohr’s model; Dual nature of matter, de – Broglie’s relationship, Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

Elementary ideas of quantum mechanics, quantum mechanical model of atom, its important features, * and *2, concept of atomic orbitals as one electron wave functions; Variation of * and * 2 with r for 1s and 2s orbitals; various quantum numbers (principal, angular momentum and magnetic quantum numbers) and their significance; shapes of s, p and d – orbitals, electron spin and spin quantum number; Rules for filling electrons in orbitals – aufbau principle, Pauli’ s exclusion principle and Hund’s rule, electronic configuration of elements, extra stability of half – filled and completely filled orbitals.

UNIT 4 : Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure : Kossel – Lewis approach to chemical bond formation, concept of ionic and covalent bonds.

Ionic Bonding : Formation of ionic bonds, factors affecting the formation of ionic bonds; calculation of lattice enthalpy.

Covalent Bonding : Concept of electronegativity, Fajan’s rule, dipole moment; Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory and shapes of simple molecules. Quantum mechanical approach to covalent bonding: Valence bond theory – Its important features, concept of hybridization involving s, p and d orbitals; Resonance.

Molecular Orbital Theory – Its important features, LCAOs, types of molecular orbitals (bonding, antibonding), sigma and pi – bonds, molecular orbital electronic configurations of homonuclear diatomic molecules, concept of bond order, bond length and bond energy.

Elementary idea of metallic bonding. Hydrogen bonding and its applications.

UNIT 5 : CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS : Fundamentals of thermodynamics: System and surroundings, extensive and intensive properties, state functions, types of processes.

First law of thermodynamics – Concept of work, heat internal energy and enthalpy, heat capacity, molar heat capacity; Hess’s law of constant heat summation; Enthalpies of bond dissociation, combustion, formation, atomization, sublimation, phase transition, hydration, ionization and solution.

Second law of thermodynamics – Spontaneity of processes; DS of the universe and DG of the system as criteria for spontaneity, DGo (Standard Gibbs energy change) and equilibrium constant.

UNIT 6 : SOLUTIONS : Different methods for expressing concentration of solution – molality, molarity, mole fraction, percentage (by volume and mass both), vapour pressure of solutions and Raoult’s Law – Ideal and non – ideal solutions, vapour pressure – composition, plots for ideal and non – ideal solutions; Colligative properties of dilute solutions – relative lowering of vapour pressure, depression of freezing point, elevation of boiling point and osmotic pressure; Determination of molecular mass using colligative properties; Abnormal value of molar mass, van’t Hoff factor and its significance.

UNIT 7 : EQUILIBRIUM : Meaning of equilibrium, concept of dynamic equilibrium. Equilibria involving physical processes: Solid – liquid, liquid – gas and solid – gas equilibria, Henry’s law, general characterics of equilibrium involving physical processes.

Equilibria involving Chemical Processes : Law of chemical equilibrium, equilibrium constants (Kp and Kc) and their significance, significance of DG and DGo in chemical equilibria, factors affecting equilibrium concentration, pressure, temperature, effect of catalyst; Le Chatelier’s principle.

Ionic equilibrium : Weak and strong electrolytes, ionization of electrolytes, various concepts of acids and bases (Arrhenius, Br’nsted – Lowry and Lewis) and their ionization, acid – base equilibria (including multistage ionization) and ionization constants, ionization of water, pH scale, common ion effect, hydrolysis of salts and pH of their solutions, solubility of sparingly soluble salts and solubility products, buffer solutions.

UNIT 8 : REDOX REACTIONS AND ELECTROCHEMISTRY : Electronic concepts of oxidation and reduction, redox reactions, oxidation number, rules for assigning oxidation number, balancing of redox reactions. Eectrolytic and metallic conduction, conductance in electrolytic solutions, specific and molar conductivities and their variation with concentration: Kohlrausch’s law and its applications.

Electrochemical Cells – Electrolytic and Galvanic cells, different types of electrodes, electrode potentials including standard electrode potential, half – cell and cell reactions, emf of a Galvanic cell and its measurement; Nernst equation and its applications; Relationship between cell potential and Gibbs’ energy change; Dry cell and lead accumulator; Fuel cells; Corrosion and its prevention.

UNIT 9 : CHEMICAL KINETICS : Rate of a chemical reaction, factors affecting the rate of reactions : concentration, temperature, pressure and catalyst; elementary and complex reactions, order and molecularity of reactions, rate law, rate constant and its units, differential and integral forms of zero and first order reactions, their characteristics and half – lives, effect of temperature on rate of reactions – Arrhenius theory, activation energy and its calculation, collision theory of bimolecular gaseous reactions (no derivation).

UNIT 10 : SURFACE CHEMISTRY : Adsorption- Physisorption and chemisorption and their characteristics, factors affecting adsorption of gases on solids – Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption isotherms, adsorption from solutions. Catalysis – Homogeneous and heterogeneous, activity and selectivity of solid catalysts, enzyme catalysis and its mechanism.

Colloidal state – distinction among true solutions, colloids and suspensions, classification of colloids – Iyophilic, lyophobic; multi molecular, macromolecular and associated colloids (micelles), preparation and properties of colloids – Tyndall effect, Brownian movement, electrophoresis, dialysis, coagulation and flocculation; Emulsions and their characteristics.


UNIT 11 : CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS AND PERIODICITY IN PROPERTIES : Modem periodic law and present form of the periodic table, s, p, d and f block elements, periodic trends in properties of elements­atomic and ionic radii, ionization enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy, valence, oxidation states and chemical reactivity.

UNIT 12 : GENERAL PRINCIPLES AND PROCESSES OF ISOLATION OF METALS : Modes of occurrence of elements in nature, minerals, ores; steps involved in the extraction of metals – concentration, reduction (chemical and electrolytic methods) and refining with special reference to the extraction of Al, Cu, Zn and Fe; Thermodynamic and electrochemical principles involved in the extraction of metals.

UNIT 13 : HYDROGEN : Position of hydrogen in periodic table, isotopes, preparation, properties and uses of hydrogen; Physical and chemical properties of water and heavy water; Structure, preparation, reactions and uses of hydrogen peroxide; Classification of hydrides – ionic, covalent and interstitial; Hydrogen as a fuel.

UNIT 14 : S – BLOCK ELEMENTS (ALKALI AND ALKALINE EARTH METALS) : Group – 1 and 2 Elements General introduction, electronic configuration and general trends in physical and chemical properties of elements, anomalous properties of the first element of each group, diagonal relationships.

Preparation and properties of some important compounds – sodium carbonate, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide and sodium hydrogen carbonate; Industrial uses of lime, limestone, Plaster of Paris and cement; Biological significance of Na, K, Mg and Ca.

AIEEE 2011 Application Form Availability | AIEEE 2011 Applications status|Application Forms Availability for AIEEE 2011

Application forms for AIEEE 2011 are expected to be available in first week of December till first week of January in designated branches of Syndicate bank, CBSE Regional Offices and certain institutions. Form can also be requested by sending a demand draft to AIEEE Unit, CBSE. A notification is issued in all leading national dailies for the availability of forms. Candidates can also apply online, fill the information and send the printout to AIEEE office.

AIEEE 2011 Syllabus for Aptitude Test

Part I :
Awareness of persons, places, Buildings, Materials.) Objects, Texture related to Architecture and build~ environment. Visualising three dimensional objects from two dimensional drawings. Visualising different sides of three dimensional objects. Analytical Reasoning Mental Ability (Visual, Numerical and Verbal).

Part II :
Three dimensional – perception : Understanding and appreciation of scale and proportion of objects, building forms and elements, colour texture, harmony and contrast. Design and drawing of geometrical or abstract shapes and patterns in pencil.

Transformation of forms both 2 D and 3 D union, substraction, rotation, development of surfaces and volumes, Generation of Plan, elevations and 3 D views of objects. Creating two dimensional and three dimensional compositions using given shapes and forms.

Sketching of scenes and activities from memory of urbanscape (public space, market, festivals, street scenes, monuments, recreational spaces etc.), landscape (river fronts, jungles. gardens, trees, plants etc.) and rural life.

AIEEE 2011 List of Participating Institutions |AIEEE 2011 List of Institutions |AIEEE 2011 List of Colleges

The following are the list of particiapting institutions in AIEEE 2011

List of Participating AIEEE Institutes 2011

   1. National Institute of Technology, Agartala
   2. Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad (U.P.)
   3. Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)
   4. National Institute of Technology, Calicut (Kerela)
   5. National Institute of Technology, Durgapur (West Bengal)
   6. National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh)
   7. Malviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur (Rajasthan)
   8. Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar (Punjab)
   9. National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur (Jharkhand)
  10. National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra (Haryana)
  11. Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur (Maharashtra)
  12. National Institute of Technology, Patna (Bihar)
  13. National Institute of Technology, Raipur (Chhattisgarh)
  14. National Institute of Technology, Rourkela (Orissa)
  15. National Institute of Technology, Silchar (Assam)
  16. National Institute of Technology, Hazartbal, Srinagar (J&K)
  17. Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat (Gujarat)
  18. National Institute of Technology, Surathkal, Mangalore (Karnataka)
  19. National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli (Tamil Nadu)
  20. National Institute of Technology, Warangal (Andhra Pradesh)
  21. National Institute of Technology, Arunachal Pradesh – NIT Durgapur
  22. National Institute of Technology, Delhi – NIT Warangal
  23. National Institute of Technology, Goa sufficient – NIT Surathkal
  24. National Institute of Technology, Manipur – NIT Agartala
  25. National Institute of Technology, Meghalaya – SVNIT Surat
  26. National Institute of Technology, Mizoram – VNIT Nagpur
  27. National Institute of Technology, Nagaland – NIT Silchar
  28. National Institute of Technology, Puducherry – NIT Trichy
  29. National Institute of Technology, Sikkim – NIT Calicut
  30. National Institute of Technology, Srinagar, Garhwal – NIT Kurukshetra
  II. Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs, IIITM & IIITDM)

   1. Indian Institute of Information Technology, Jhalwa, Allahabad (U.P.)
   2. Indian Institute of Information Technology, Amethi, Allahabad (UP)
   3. Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management, Gwalior (M.P.)
   4. Pandit Dwarka Prasad Mishra Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design & Manufacturing, Jabalpur (M.P.)
   5. Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design & Manufacturing, Kanchipuram, Chennai (Tamil Nadu)

IV. Self Financed Deemed Universities/Universities/Other Institutions

   1. Birla Institute of Technology (Mesra Centre), Mesra, Ranchi (Jharkhand)
   2. Birla Institute of Technology (Patna Centre), Patna
   3. Birla Institute of Technology, (Deogarh Centre), Jasidih-814142 (Jharkhand)
   4. Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Distt. Kapurthala (Punjab)
   5. Sir Padampat Singhania University, Udaipur (Rajasthan)
   6. Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Faculty of
   7. Engineering & Technology, Haridwar (Uttarakhand)
   8. Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra-182320 (J&K)
   9. IAMR College of Engineering, Meerut (Uttar Pradesh)
  10. Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University, Jaipur (Rajasthan)
  11. Mewar University, Chittorgarh-312901 (Rajasthan)
  12. Jodhpur National University, Jodhpur (Rajasthan)
  13. Bhagwant University, Ajmer (Rajasthan)
  14. Shobhit University, Meerut (U.P.)
  15. Sharda University, Noida (U.P.)
  16. Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule University, Jaipur (Rajasthan)
  17. Jagannath University, Jaipur (Rajasthan)

V. Other Central Government / State Government Funded Institutions

   1. Indian Institute of Carpet Technology, Bhadohi (U.P.) (IICT, Bhadohi)
   2. School of Planning and Architecture, I.P. Estate, New Delhi (SPA, Delhi).
   3. School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)
   4. School of Planning and Architecture, Vijaywada (Andhra Pradesh)
   5. National Insitute of Foundary & Forge Technology, P.O. Hatia, Ranchi (Jharkhand).
   6. Assam University, Silchar (Assam)
   7. J.K. Institute of Applied Physics & Technology,
   8. University of Allahabad, Allahabad- 211002 (U.P.)
   9. Tezpur University, NAPAAM, Tezpur (Assam)
  10. Institute of Technology, Bilaspur-495009 (C.G.)
  11. Mizoram University, Aizawal-796009

The States / Institutes listed below are likely to use AIEEE 2010 ranks to fill seats through their own counselling.

   1. Haryana
   2. Uttarakhand
   3. Himachal Pradesh (All India Quota will be filled through Central Counselling Board)
   4. Army Institute of Technology, Pune, Maharashtra
   5. Delhi Technological University, Delhi
   6. Netaji Subhash Institute of Technology under Delhi University.
   7. Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, Punjab

AIEEE 2011 Counselling procedure | AIEEE 2011 Admission procedure

AIEEE 2011 Counselling procedure | AIEEE 2011 Admission procedure

Candidates shall bring one DD for Rs.1,000/- and the other for Rs. 34,000/- . SC/ST candidates shall bring one DD for Rs.1,000/- and the other for Rs. 24,000/-. The demand drafts are to be drawn in favour of “Chairman, CCB – 2010?, payable at Nagpur. This initial fee would be adjusted towards the total fee payable by the candidates at the Allotted Institutes.

For more details visit http://aieee.nic.in

AIEEE 2011 Application Status |AIEEE 2011 online Application status ,results|AIEEE 2011 Form status

Information Regarding Receipt of Application Forms of AIEEE 2011
Query for receipt of Application Form

AIEEE Candidates can check the application status by typing  the registration number or Application number of the application form.The candidates can check the receipt of their Application Number on the website after 45 days of dispatch of Application to the CBSE i.e. 20.01.2011. The details displayed on the site are only for advance information to the candidates.

Check here for AIEEE 2011 Application status online

Candidates has to enter Registraion No. / Application No for checking the application status

AIEEE 2011 Admit Card

Date of dispatch of Admit Card: 18.03.2011 to 31.03.2011

Issue/dispatch of duplicate admit card(on request only with fee of Rs. 50/- + postal charges of Rs. 30/- extra for out station candidate: 07.04.2011 to 23.04.2011 (By Hand) and 11.04.2011 to 20.04.2011 (By Post)

    In case the Admit Card is not received by 6th April, 2011 the candidates should write/contact the CBSE between 7 th April, 2011 to 20th April, 2011 giving details of the Post Office, date of dispatch, original receipt of postal dispatch, photostat copy of the Application Form, two photographs (as pasted on the Application Form one is duly attested), and proof regarding remittance of fee who have submitted application “Online’.

The Admit Card will be sent by post UPC to the candidates (including those who made application online) about four weeks before the conduct of the examination, however, the Board will not be responsible for any consequences that may arise due to loss of admit card in transit. It will be the responsiblity of the candidate to contact/write to the Board in case he/she is not in receipt of the Admit Cards by 7th April 2011.

Such request for issue of duplicate admit card should accompany with a Demand Draft in favour of Secretary,CBSE payable at Delhi/New Delhi amounting Rs.50/- as fee and additional Rs.30/- as postal charges for outstation candidates.

Duplicate Admit Card

In no case the duplicate Admit Card would be issued at the Examination Centres. Request for issue of duplicate Admit Card will not be entertained after the examination in any case.

For More details visit http://aieee.nic.in

AIEEE 2011 Notification |All India Engineering/Architecture Entrance Examination (AIEEE ) 2011 Notification

As per directives of ministry of human resource development, govt of India, the 10th All India Engineering/Architecture Entrance examination for admission to various NITs, IIITs, deemed universities and for few state institutions will be conducted by central board of secondary education, New Delhi on 01st May, 2011 (Sunday) for admission to B.E./B.Tech and B.Arch/B.Planning courses

Sale of information bulletin will start from 22nd December, 2010 . from various branches of banks/institutions/regional offices of the board

However, for those willing to apply online, the facility for submission of online application will be available from 23rd November, 2010

This year, for the first time, the board has also made facility available for appearing in online examination for one lac candidates on first come first served basis in select 20 cities with a capacity of 5000 per city

The detailed information is also available on AIEEE website i.e. www.aieee.nic.in

List of Engineering Entrance Examinations 2010-2011

1. All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE)
2. NERIST Entrance Examination (NEE)
3. Karunya University Entrance Exam [ BTech, BE ]
4. Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Entrance Exam (KIITEE) [ BTech, MTech
5. SRM Engineering Entrance Exam (SRMEEE) [ BTech, MTech ]
6. All India Common Entrance Test (AICET)
7. IIT Joint Entrance Examination (IIT JEE)
8. Birla Institute of Technology and Science Examination (BITSAT)
9. Delhi Combined Entrance Examination CEE
10. Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology (NSIT)
11. National Institute of Technology (NIT)
12. National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA)
13. Madhya Pradesh Pre Engineering Test (MP PET)
14. Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Exam (VITEEE)
15. Vinayaka Missions University Engineering Entrance Exam
16. Tolani Maritime Institute – Birla Institute of Technology and Science
17. School of Planning and Architecture
18. Rajasthan Pre Engineering Test
19. Jawaharlal Nehru University Engineering Entrance Exam (JNU EEE)
20. JNTU Planning and Architecture Common Entrance Test (PACET)
21. Jamia Milia Islamia (JMI) Entrance Exam
22. International Institute of Information Technology -Post Graduate Entrance Exam (IIIT PGEE)
23. Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)
24. Engineering Common Entrance Test for Diploma Holders (ECET-FDH)
25. Dr.D.Y.Patil Institute All India Entrance Test
26. Dhirubhai Ambani Institute Of Information and Communication Technology
27. Central Institute of Plastic Engineering & Technology Entrance Exam (CIPET)
28. Bharath University Engineering Entrance Exam (BIHER)
29. Bharati Vidyapeeth Engineering Entrance Exam
30. Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)
31. Admission Test for IcfaiTech
32. Amrita Schools of Engineering BTech Entrance Exam
33. Annamalai University Engineering Entrance Exam
34. Associate Membership of Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (AMIETE)
35. Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (AMIE)
36. All India Competitive Examination (AICE) for Admissions to Master’s Degree Programmes
37. Avinashilingam University for Women Entrance Exam 2008
38. Indian Institute of Maritime Studies (IIMS) Entrance Exam
39. Marine Engineering & Research Institute (MERI) Entrance Exam

UGC National Eligibility Test (UGC NET 2011) For Junior Research For June 2011|UGC NET DECEMBER 2011 Notification


Date of UGC NET examination: 26th June 2011
Date of UGC NET Notification : 30.03.2011
i) Last date for Applying On-Line 25th April 2011
ii) Last date for receiving the documents* at the test center: 2-5-2011

It is notified that the next UGC-NET for Junior Research fellowship and eligibility for Lectureship will be held on 26th June 2011 (Sunday) in Humanities, Social Sciences (including languages), Computer Science and Applications and Electronic Science etc.

The candidates who desire to appear in the test may see the detailed notification to be published in the employment news . The same is also available ton the UGC website www.ugc.ac.in.

The candidates are advised to download the above-mentioned notification along with the application form from the UGC website.

The last date for submission of the Online application form at UGC-NET centres is 25-4-2011

UGC-NET-National-Eligibility-Test More details here

Corporation Bank Clerical Recruitment 2011-Online Application 1000 Posts

Corporation Bank (A Premier Government of India Enterprise)
Corporate office P.B. No. 88, Mangaladevi Temple road, Pandeshwar, Mangalore-585001
Advt No-CRPO-2-2011

Online applications are invited for appointment in the clerical cadre
Opening date for online registration: 04th April, 2011
Closing date for online registration (for all applicants, including those from far flung areas): 25th April, 2011
Call letters to be downloaded from website of the bank after: 30th May, 2011
Likely date of examination:12th June, 2011

Eligibility :
Age (as on 31st March, 2011): Minimum 18 years, maximum 28 years
Relaxation in upper age limit: SC/ST by 5 years; OBC by 3 years; PwD by 10 years; Ex-Servicemen by 3 years (in addition to the usual period of service in the Defence forces subject to a maximum age of 50 years); widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands, who have not remarried by 9 years
Date of written examination: The written examination is tentatively fixed for Sunday, 12th June, 2011 at the centres indicated below

visit Corporation Bank for More details

Rajasthan University of Health Sciences In-Service Dental PRE-PG 2011 Exam Result

Rajasthan University of Health Sciences
In-Service Dental PRE-PG 2011 Exam Result

Results of Rajasthan University of Health Sciences In-Service Dental PRE-PG 2011  has been announced on April 04, 2011 .Candidates can check the results from the below websites

For Roll no wise Results

For Name wise  results

Krishna University PG I Semester examination (Nov-2010) results

Krishna University
PG I Semester examination (Nov-2010) results

Results of Krishna University PG I Semester examination (Nov-2010) has been announced on April 04, 2011 .Candidates can check the results from the below websites

Krishna University PG I Semester examination (Nov-2010) results

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